This was a really good and especially welcoming event. To be sure and honor the gifts I received, I'm placing here several things I promised people:
- Un-retouched snapshots of Leslie and Rachel at Bandelier are in Flickr;
- Steve can find info on quick-draw artist and all-around entertaining guy Jon Pearson on his site;
- The book Dialogue by William Isaacs that I described to David can be read about here;

- For Rob and Laurie, my experiences with ORID - Objective, Reflective, Interpretive and Decisional - modes of thought are based on material and training from the Institute for Cultural Affairs and the Focused Conversation. There is also a post below this one about my most recent experience with the Focused Conversation;
- Also on the ICA site, Lynn can find a book on the Workshop Method;

- I promised Brandy I would see if SoL could recommend someone for a program on listening for next year's conference. Just in case a fall-back position is needed, I found in one of the museums a well-credentialed speaker with ready-to-go material.
Did anyone besides us manage a few spare minutes in Albuquerque to see any of the work of our predecessors?