Sunday, June 27, 2010

CPSI 2010

Innovation = implementing something new. Creativity = novelty that is useful. Creative thinking = connecting previously unconnected thoughts.
The more different kinds of things you put into one (side of the) brain, the more connections the other brain will make.
Entrepreneurial ventures for non-profits.
Nothing works without a focus on person-team-organizational enterprise.
Make companies better by making people better.
Those getting traction are those who explore how to improve their processes to benefit people, and how to really develop their own people.
For creativity to happen we must search for the value in new ideas.
  • Pluses
  • Opportunities, positive potential
  • Issues (they come out best as questions)
  • New thinking
The rite of passage for innovation teams.
The importance of being 12.
Fear - death = thrill.
Stay hungry, stay foolish.
Deliver more than what was paid for.
Simple questions are the most powerful.
Applied creativity is a process, and CPS is a model.
Creativity = knowledge x ideas x selection.
Rocks can hear.
Innovation: the implementation of an idea that improves someone's life and brings meaning to someone's life.
Find a way and train everyone.
Inspiration and possibility thinking are absolute musts.
Innovation relies on varied talent.
Stale ideas = stale group.
Resonance; it flows when there is consistency with values.
Explore your vision and use it to guide your way.

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